Chosen words:
Sublime- transcendent, awe, scintillate, hover, light
Diaphanous- ethereal, gauzy, shadowy
Cavernous- echoing, gaping, vast, dark
It is about the intrusion of sublime light in a dark space that illuminates elements of the room, such as the stairs and walls.
When the light meets the dark and cavernous elements of the room, the result is a diaphanous space, with shadows in corners that were pushed back by the ethereal light.
The use of Lego parts allow the animation of the stairs and the arch entrance in the light which dispels the shadows.
Materials used:
Charcoal, lots of black marker pens, lots of pencils, white color pencil(for the light strands), one liquid correction pen, white chalk, lots of black pens.....
Method of construction:
The first scene is made by folding black cardboard into a curve, creating the cavernous and cylindrical room. Of course, I cut out the arch window as well.
The Second room, which is the stairs, is made of Lego walls. with balck cardboard stuck on it.
I originally wanted to leave out the black cardboard and show the construction of the walls with Lego.....but it would take too many frames to show a smooth construction and it may not show the theme of Cavernous very well.
The Stairs made of lego was intended to hover in mid air as i shown from my concept designs(not here), but its physically impossible.
So I simply used a long piece for the lego platforms to stand alone. Hopefully, it gives the sense of hovering stairs.
This project is pretty demanding in that you need to take many pictures and edit them for the drawing component.
If I had more time, I would take the time to put the floating hand rail spokes(with out the hand rail)
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